Noah Pollack
Graduate Student
Noah began his academic career at the University of Rochester and completed a Bachelor and Master of Science in Microbiology and Immunology. During his time at Rochester, he discovered his passion for virology through his work with vaccinia virus protein F13 in which he used multiple molecular techniques to identify novel protein-protein interactions. Noah also gained extensive microbiology experience through clinical, biotechnology, and academic internship opportunities. Noah started his doctoral education at the University of Maryland Baltimore in 2020 and joined the Jackson lab in September of 2021. Noah’s project seeks to understand the individual roles of Enterovirus D68 proteins during infection. By generating expression vectors containing the individual non-structural proteins of Enterovirus D68, the individual roles of these proteins’ during viral morphogenesis, as well as induction of autophagy, can be investigated in a cell culture system. When not doing awesome science, Noah enjoys cooking, hiking, playing water polo, and being a Cleveland Browns fan.